The Power of Music

August 25, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

When couples come to us for a consultation, the DJ is  usually the next vendor on their list.  We find that most couples don’t know what they want to do for their wedding in terms of the program line-up right after the grand entrance.  We asked our good friend and in our book, one of the  great DJs in the wedding industry for insight into how to plan your wedding music and program to make it fun.   Thank you Ray Grace, of Ray the DJ, for sharing these helpful tips.

The right song played at just the right time can make us smile or cry.  A melody can bring back memories and help us re-experience myriad moments in time.  The music played at your wedding will create memories for all who share this most special day with you.

Imagine your wedding as a movie.  You and your fiancee help write the script (itinerary of events) and your deejay is the music director.  Here is a checklist to help you create a most memorable soundtrack:

1. Compile a list of the music you and your fiancee both enjoy.  Sometimes a bride-to-be forgets to ask her fiancee what he would like to hear.  Remember, it’s his wedding  too. Your deejay should be able to provide a list of songs to help in your selection.

2. Write down the songs that your friends and family enjoy.  Remember the good times you’ve had and what songs were a part of them.  Consider the respective ethnic backgrounds and think of songs that will help even Grandma “get her groove back.”

3. Put together a list of the music you both DO NOT want played.  Let your deejay know in advance whether the Macarena, Chicken Dance, and Hokey Pokey will be heard at your reception.  Also, note general types of music e.g. heavy metal, that you wish not to be played.


4.  Highlight or mark with an asterisk your top 15 “must hear” songs.  If you provide your deejay a list of thirty songs and 15 are highlighted, he will definitely play the top 15 and incorporate the other songs as appropriate.  On average, 65 – 70 songs can be played at a 4 hour reception.

5.  Allow for spontaneous requests from your guests.  Hearing a song often brings to mind other songs.  This will happen at your reception.  Your guests will make requests, and the reception will take on a life and personality of its own.  Enjoy it, allow yourself to be a part of it, and have fun!

6.  Trust your deejay.  Music planning is essential, however, avoid trying to control each and every second of music.  This puts your deejay in a musical straight jacket.  An experienced deejay knows the best time to play the requests and will know what songs will make the reception even better than you imagined.




Music has the power to create life-long memories of your wedding.  Thoughtfully choose your music, then entrust that power to an experienced, professional deejay.

For more information contact Ray or Barbara at Ray the DJ, a Phoenix wedding DJ,  at

Thanks for stopping by and we hope this article was helpful to you.  Happy planning! ~ Glenn & Lilet


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